A dream is a wish your heart makes!

I was all about fulfilling wishes this past weekend with this sweet girl!  Larkin won a full storybook session after 300 of her Facebook fans voted on her picture taken by yours truly in a Princess Mini Session early September.

Oh, I can't wait to begin writing her special story and including images in it to complete her very own happily ever after!

I hid a prop nest in the crab apple tree we were shooting under and her Mom thought it was real with real eggs!  I meant to surprise Larkin and surprised her Mom instead.

8 arrows to represent 8 years... this little miss just had a birthday!

Her favorite character is Merida from Brave so this had to be done.. complete with wisps!

A play on snow white but with a bit more drama, suspense and adventure!  This was fun to imagine and play along with her as she walked through the dark woods!

 She loves horses and wishes for a horse of her own someday.  A real was not realistic (I mean come on) so we went with the smaller, less needy version and voila...happy girl!!

This was another request of Larkin.  What is more fun than dressing up like an American Indian.  She was pretty excited about getting her feet in that cool water too!

A true red head dressed like a viking!  I had to do it!!  She looked very cool and even got to hold and play with a new "stuffie".... yet another wish granted... more stuffies aka stuffed animals!

What could be better than snow on an 80 degree autumn day?  This was too fun and I think looked pretty awesome too!

Great shoot, sweet girl and wonderful Mom... couldn't have asked for a better experience this side of the camera...


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