
Showing posts from February, 2017

The Earle Clan

The Earle Family welcomed a new bundle of joy to the world this month... Sofia Rose!  I spent a morning with this sweet family and enjoyed every minute.  Big brother Xander, who is going on 3 was your typical, defiant and absolutely adorable!  He spent most of the time posing in front of the camera only if sugar was involved and kept his parents on their toes! We started with family pictures, which was a welcome relief for Mommy who is typically taking the pictures of the family as opposed to sitting in front of the camera! We then took pictures of Mommy and Daddy individually with baby and big brother... I didn't know what Xander would possibly let me capture alone and with his baby sister, but boy, this kid is cute without even trying!! "Every superhero needs a sidekick!" Sofia's first photo shoot was almost as perfect as she is!! This was a fun shoot!  I truly enjoyed the experience an